Brother Andrew earned the nickname, “God’s Smuggler” from his years of smuggling Bibles through the Iron Curtain during the height of the Cold War. He filled his puttering blue Volkswagen Beetle with Bibles, driving through military borders to reach small underground churches in countries such as Poland, East Germany and the Soviet Union. These churches had no access to the greater Christian community, and they certainly had no access to God’s Word. Risking his own life for the sake of these brothers and sisters shackled by communism, Brother Andrew’s mission became, “wake up, strengthen what is and is about to die.” (Revelations 3:2)
I can place myself in the driver’s seat of his blue beetle full of stowed-away Bibles, slowly moving up the line towards military controlled border crossings. As the car idles, I begin to panic as I watch the military personnel order everyone out of the car in front of mine. All of their belongings are pulled out of their car. Methodically, the hubcaps are removed and then seats are hoisted out and the engine is searched. Wondering if I should turn around, my heart races. I fervently pray as fear wraps its spindly fingers around my mind.
“Lord, what am I going to do?” Brother Andrew prayed.
A daring answer came; place a few Bibles on your front seat. Testing his faith, and the God of His faith, Brother Andrew pulled a few Bibles out of the back and placed them on the seat. He trusted that boldness would be met with God’s provision.
As the car in front of him was reassembled, he shifted into gear and prayed, “When you were on earth, You made blind eyes see. Now, I pray, make seeing eyes blind.”
Brother Andrew handed the guard his passport. He silently prayed. He waited. Then he was motioned through. Surely something must be wrong! He inched forward, wondering if he was expected to pull over so his car could be searched. Looking in his rearview mirror he saw the guard begin a search of the car behind him. Relieved and emboldened, Brother Andrew drove into Poland with a car full of illegal Bibles.
I’ve read this story a few times over the years, and every single time I ask myself, would I have done this? Would I have been willing to sacrifice so much for the sake of God’s call, or would fear have had the last word and beat back my eagerness to serve?
In most likelihood, you and I will never be a Bible smuggler. But do we ever fear sacrificial hospitality, or a risky transition God has called us to, or fear of the impact of a rebellious child, or fear as our bills stack up, or fear of what lies on the other side of our heart wrenching grief?
We fear because we think we might lose; lose our lives, our reputation, our money, our time, our families. We fear loss because we lack faith. We lack faith because we don’t intimately know our Father, the God of Abraham, who brazenly told Abraham to sacrifice his very own beloved son, Isaac.
Step-by-step Abraham walked in faith towards the sacrifice. At dawn’s first light, Abraham cut the wood and packed his bags to trek towards the mountain. On the third day, Abraham told his servants he would worship and return with the boy. With his knife in hand, Abraham reassured his son God would provide for Himself a lamb. With resolute faith, Abraham trusted the God of future provision. Abraham took each step of faith because He knew the God of future provision. In the end, God provided the lamb and Abraham named the place, “THE LORD WILL PROVIDE.” (Genesis 22:14)
My friends, Fear is always defeated by Faith in the God of future provisions.
Yes, this side of heaven the sacrifice may be great. Your heart may break a million times over. But sacrifice means you will always find the undeniable presence of the God of Provision. He has already secured this victory on the cross, so He wins. Every. Single. Time. Fear not, His Presence is always our surplus!
Today, beat back your fear with faith in the God of future provision. At the end of our days, we will say with Brother Andrew, “In the years of living this life of faith, I have never known God’s care to fail.”
(To read more about the life and ministry of Brother Andrew, I highly recommend both God’s Smuggler and Light Force.)