Welcome! I am so glad you are here!
Jesus is my treasure and my joy. To this end do I write and teach, that He would also become your greatest treasure and joy. Our lives, at times, are a knock-down-drag-out battle, but even in the worst battle, we will find that in Him is life and life most abundant. But spending time with us, I pray that your faith would be encouraged and strengthened to live your journey boldly in light of God’s abundant mercies.
I am an Air Force wife and mother. This has not only defined me, it has refined me. Just like you, day in and day out, I am overwhelmed with a longer-than-possible to-do list, bickering children, piles of stinky laundry, a gas gauge that reads empty just as I depart for soccer carpool, and a local community of women whom I love and serve. So join us, as iron-sharpens-iron may we find bold mercies for ourselves, our families and our community.
Roger Hagan
What is your church/denominal affiliation? What are your Tenets Of Faith? Really enjoy your site.